Saturday, April 19, 2014

Many still approach the Golkar political party

Deputy Secretary General of the Golkar Party Tantowi said today his party is still to approach and communicate with many political parties in the coalition -related discourse Presidential Election of 2014. According to the communication between the parties still looks very fluid with each other .

" Kabul Ijab we will form a coalition with anyone , it was later announced in Rapimnas ( National Leadership Meeting ) . Now the term we still PDKT ( approach ) , fuel -man , passing notes . Tasty Let propose or dipinangnya later , " said Tantowi in Jakarta , Saturday ( 19/04/2014 ) .

In a coalition , Golkar , said Tantowi , emphasizes similarities party platform . It is very necessary to run the government later . Golkar coalition expects harmonious because of the similarity measures , and the vision and outlook in building the nation .

" I likens such as weddings . Before getting married right before a merger agreement . Equating first vision , tolerance deficiencies each other first . If so marriage will be lasting . Coalition also like that . Everything we one first . Promises we make the party during the campaign promises and ideals of the coalition , " he added .

Tantowi denied that Golkar moving slow -movement political communication rather than the PDI-P and Gerindra . Although not yet sure Golkar coalition with any party , Tantowi said , it was not inaction .
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" PDI - P 's only one , with Nasdem . Gerindra also a new one that is PPP . Means that there are many other parties who could groom . Now all still liquid between one party to the other party with the party , " said Tantowi .


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